06 Desember 2009


Etika Lingkungan Hidup hadir sebagai respon atas etika moral yang selama ini berlaku, yang dirasa lebih mementingkan hubungan antar manusia dan mengabaikan hubungan antara manusia dan mahluk hidup bukan manusia. Mahluk hidup bukan manusia, kendati bukan pelaku moral (moral agents) melainkan dipandang sebagai subyek moral (moral subjects), sehingga pantas menjadi perhatian moral manusia.Kesalahan terbesar semua etika sejauh ini adalah etika-etika tersebut hanya berbicara mengenai hubungan antara manusia dengan manusia Albert Schweitzer (2003:12). Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, etika lingkungan hidup menuntut adanya perluasan cara pandang dan perilaku moral manusia, yaitu dengan memasukkan lingkungan atau alam semesta sebagai bagian dari komunitas moral.

Air laut merupakan penyerap karbon (carbon sink). Karbon yang diserap maupun yang dilepas ke atmosfer berada dalam bentuk gas karbon dioksida (CO2). Laut akan menyerap karbon jika tekanan parsial gas karbon dioksida di atmosfer lebih tinggi dari tekanannya di dalam air laut. Laut berfungsi sebagai penyerap karbon (carbon sink) dalam dua bentuk yakni melalui serapan pasif dan aktif.


A few months ago, an earthquake with frequency 7, 6 scales richer happened in Padang west Sumatra, which cause 1.117 people died. Moreover; the earthquakes also happened in tasikmalaya which destroyed a lot of building. Earthquake is always the inevitable disaster to human kind. They are among the most powerful events on the earth, and the result can be terrible. So, when the earthquakes come, what should we do to save ourselves? There are A few things to do when the earthquake happened depend on the condition: at home, in schools and outdoors.
First, when you are at home and the earthquake happen you have to save yourself first by rushing under tables or small-sized spaces. Then you have to check all fire sources by putting out fire quickly, it is needed from prevent the fire. After that you have to make sure that you have a way out by opening the doors and windows and do not use stairways.

Other condition is in the school, when the earthquake happens you have to hide yourself under the desk then, open the door of the classroom; furthermore, keep away from gateposts and wall. Walk quickly to emergency shelters, and do not take elevators. Cover your head or protect your head with your arms. Besides, follow your teacher.


For four years, Indonesia has sent its representative in miss universe contest. There are some people who pro and contra about it. The pro said that the advantage by following miss univese is for improving Indonesia tourism. Is it true? Actually, there are three important aspects for increasing tourism in Indonesia; transportation, security, and hotel service.

Lack of safe, comfortable, and cheap transportation in Indonesia make tourists averse to come her. The case of tourist who was robbed in taxi is one of example how not safe our transportation is, only a few of taxi agency who are safe; More over, Most of our public transportation is not comfortable such as metro mini, train etc. If the tourist want to have good transportation they have to cost a lot of money for paying private bus, and taxi because there are a few good public transportation that Indonesia goverment provided. Traffic jam as a major problem also has to be solved to make tourists feel comfortable. So Goverment should increase the number of cheap, safe, and comfortable public trasportations in Indonesia.

Other way, Increasing the security in Indonesia will make tourist feel safe. A few month ago, bomb tragedy happened in Kuningan, Jakarta which had made Liverpool, a international football team cancelled their plans to play in Indonesia; futhermore, bomb tragedy in Bali which happened twice had made Australia, USA and other countries giving travell warning to Indonesia at that time. All of that tragedy had decreased the number of tourist who came to Indonesia because of that, Polices should adding their personils in strategic areas such as mall, reacreation places, hotels etc. Besides that. the skills of police personils have to be improved for securing and security facilities should be better. By increasing personils, skill and security facilities the tourists will feel safe when they travel to Indonesia.

Hotel as accomodation facility has to be improved its service to make tourist feel happy when they stay in Indonesia. Each hotels in Indonesia have to have standard services according the International standard services so, when tourists come to Indonesia they will served as same as king and queen. Beside that the hotels also have to have unique characteristic which different with other hotels in the world, it could be from the building style, facilities etc. By improving hotel service in Indonesia the tourist will feel happy to come here.

We have seen that our tourism is not well yet, so it has to be improved by looking after the transportation, security, and hotel service aspects. If this trend continues, more and more tourists will come to enjoy Indonesia.


Akhir-akhir ini setiap harinya kota Depok diguyur hujan yang terjadi baik di pagi hari maupun malam hari. Akibatnya bagi orang-orang yang tidak siap sedia payung mengalami kehujanan. Seringkali kita mendengar perkataan,” Jangan hujan-hujanan, nanti sakit lho!” yang diucapkan oleh orang tua, kerabat atau teman kita ketika musim hujan tiba. Sebuah mitos yang dipercayai di masyarakat bahwa kehujanan dapat mengakibatkan berbagai macam penyakit seperti: pusing, diare, demam, dsb. Apakah benar seperti itu?

Kita sering beranggapan bahwa kehujanan bisa menyebabkan masuk angin, demam, batuk, pilek, dan badan linu-linu. Padahal hal ini adalah gejala khas dari infeksi virus influenza. Apakah hubungan antara air hujan dengan virus influenza? Apakah di dalam air hujan terdapat virus influenza? Apakah di balik baju yang basah terdapat segerombolan virus yang siap menyerang? Tentu tidak. Lalu setelah kita selesai sekehujanan pula sering beberapa di antara kita merasakan perut kembung, kemudian melilit dan akhirnya mengalami diare. Apakah air hujan juga membawa bakteri perut? Apakah baju basah membuat bakteri jahat merembes menembus kulit dan otot? Tentu tidak. Mengapa ada beberapa orang yang telah kehujanan setelah berjam-jam tetap sehat bugar dan ada beberapa yang hanya terkena gerimis langsung mengalami demam? Mengapa kita sakit setelah kehujanan? Apakah kita pernah berpikir bahwa para atlet renang yang hampir 8 jam sehari berada di kolam renang sering masuk angin? Bahkan kita sendiri saat berekreasi ke pantai atau berenang di kolam renang tetap segar bugar. Padahal sama-sama air? Mengapa bisa demikian?

10 Agustus 2009


19 Juni 2009

Pengalaman Baru...

Ahh...akhirnya bikin blog juga,.. setelah sekian lama menjelajahi dunia gaib ini (alahh...lebay nih )
dan sekarang gw lagi memulai fase baru gw sebagai Mahasiswa,.. gw cma mau berbagi kehidupan gw melalui blog ini karena hidup ini amat berharga..