23 Juni 2015


    Hi, my blog. How have you been? I am so sorry that I neglected you so long. It has been almost three years since, I posted something in you. I wonder why I stopped writing you. Paper work, organization meeting or others colleague stuff might be the caused why I was so distance from you. Dear my blog, do you why I create you? It was started when I joined Latihan Dasar Kemimpinan Farmasi, (LDK), 2009.  I was inspired by the speaker. That time,  he told about Pramoedya Ananta's quote:
“Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit, tapi selama ia tidak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam masyarakat dan dari sejarah."
Somehow those words struck to  my heart and since, that day I promised to myself that I should start writing. 
      My blog, I still remember the day when you were born. Yes, that day I was so excited to create you, spending my whole weekend to learn about you and your language, yep HTML. After you were born, I could not stop myself  to pour my thoughts in you.  Every Single Day.
     During the time, when I did not post anything in you. It does not mean that I stopped writing. Nope, I could not resist my fingers for not writing. Thankfully, in college I joined a club where we have some interest in writing. I kept writing but mostly about essay or scientific paper. Because at that time, everyone aiming to be accepted in a competition called PIMNAS (Pekan Ilmiah Nasional).
      Dear my blog, here I am. Trying to confess something special to you. Could we begin again? I want to start writing to you again. Expressing my minds to you. Experience the happiness when someone read or comments in you. Feel the "can't wait moment to write you " Value every moments that passed because I could write about it in you 
        Will you help me ?



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